Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hello Crazy Person, My Name Is Insanity.

So, I finally just had a breakdown. Big shocker. Well to someone reading this it might be but Im not surprised. Im such a mess all the time. So over the past few days little things have been building up and stressing me out; my mom leaving on her trip, my grandparents are crazy people, Riley, my phone getting screwed up, and so one and so forth! The final straw was my dad flipping out at the cell phone guy when I was trying to get my phone fixed. When he dropped me off at home and was apologizing I lost it. First it was just crying but then I tried to talk which brought on the hyperventilation and then I was sobbing and hyperventilating at the same time. Woo! My dad starts going into his new age-y "be with the feeling, be there for it" crap and that made me mad because I hate when he talks about all that stuff. I love new age ideas and such but for some reason when my dad talks about it I get annoyed. Finally I calm down and he makes me read some "Essential Spirituality" book. To top it all off he makes me meditate with him. Yeah. I was mad at that point and just wanted him to leave but of course he doesnt. I wasnt actually meditating when he was guiding me but whatever. At last he leaves and I go back to being my normal, insane self.

On another note, I dont think I want a relationship know. Him. I just think its a bad idea.

The sky looks like it might rain down on our dry old town. I sure hope it does because, as you know, rain is a good sign.



P.S. Im watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Thats my favorite:)

Monday, July 5, 2010

I Think Im Falling For You...♥

Oh my, I like this guy. (Not anyone in my last post)

Thats all I have to say on that.

I had such a great 4th of July but I would rather talk about last year. Last years, on the 3rd of July I was in Phoenix with my dads side of the family. My uncle was getting sicker and sicker, closer and closer to dieing. He had cancer and the doctors pretty much said he wouldnt make it. We were staying in a big house my other uncle and aunt had rented for us and we were having a great time; playing games, swimming in the huge pool, playing music, the works. We were playing Apples to Apples when we heard the fireworks outside. Everyone rushed to the door and we watched the fireworks while standing in the middle of the street. It started to rain, I started to cry. Im terrible at hiding tears. I was so sure that he would die. All I could think was, "What if this is the last time I see him?" Well I was right, but it wasnt the last time. It was the second to last. So this year, on the 3rd of July, as we drove to Tubac to watch the fireworks, I couldnt hold back the tears. Even though I still miss the way my family was before and I miss my uncle Im glad I have this memory of the way things used to be.



Thursday, July 1, 2010

Welcome to the Crazy Train

I havent made a post in a very long time. I have a lot to say. In just a few hours I went from having no guy problems whatsoever to having crazy problems.

First, theres a really cute guy who works at the Greek restaurant I like. The first time I went there after AcDec he kept giving me these...looks. A lot. Amelia saw it too! When we were walking to the bathroom he was walking the opposite way and he gave me the look. Amelia and I just looked at eachother like "What was that?!". Its was sort of a half smile/twitch thing.

Amelia and I went back again today and he was there. He gave me a real smile. When we went order I dropped my change all over the floor. Classy...But I we talked. A little.

Me-"Hey, you were here last time!"
"Yeah." Smile/cute look.

Yeah I know that seems lame and pretty normal but you had to have been there.

He kept smiling at me :). Then when I left he said bye and smiled at me like 3 different times! But it doesnt really matter because I think hes older than me. I think is a good time to mention that I do not like my age.

Second problem, Tristin. You should check my Polyvore (see the banner at top) to see the entire story but basicly...he told me he loves me. I dont like him. Why do I attract crazy people?! Jason is obsessed with me and Tristin loves me? What?? This makes no sense.

Im starting to sound like some stupid boy obsessed girl so I better sign off now.

